0,00 ₴
- Acme-Color
- Ryabina
The active molecules of the cream color penetrate deeply into the hair, fill it with color pigment and fix it inside. These contribute to the complete coloring of even grey hair. The active components of the paint provide:
– rich, long-lasting color;
– contribute to color fastness;
– protects hair from baneful environmental influences.
The care mask with oat oil has a low pH, which helps to close the scales of the correct hair layer and fix the pigment inside. The care mask application is the final stage of the coloring process. It makes the hair smooth and elastic again after the color change. Oat oil perfectly moisturizes hair after chemical damage. Do not ignore this stage of using a care mask, so you will have got:
– elastic and smooth curls;
– bright and long-lasting color;
– shiny hair shine.
Ryabina Avena
A collection of 24 dark and natural shades by Acme Color
Permanent Creamy Avena Hair Dye “Ryabina Avena” is a dye that:
- ensures intensive and intense hair color
- Long-lasting effect
- deep nourishes hair
- comfortable coloring
Active ingredients:
- Intensifies the richness of the pigment
- Helps the fine molecules of color to stick firmly to the hair
- Ensures the stability of the color during washing
Restores hair structure after dyeing and deeply nourishes hair.
Stabilizes hair color and fixes the color within.
Ryabina Avena Colour Stable Cream Dye Set contains:
- Dye cream 2 25 ml
- Oxidant cream 2 25 ml
- Hair mask 2 packs 15 ml
- Removal lotion
- Gloves 1 pair
- Instructions
1 pack of dye is for
- one vibrant coloring of long hair
- two vibrant short-hair dyes
How to dye?
- Do the mandatory allergy test 48 hours before dying.
- Mix the cream dye and the oxidant in a non-metallic container.
- Put on oven gloves, carefully apply the color from the roots of the hair, and then gradually work backward from the hair root to the tips.
- After 30 minutes, rinse under warm water until it is clear.
- Apply a care mask to damp hair. Rinse off after 5 minutes with lukewarm water.
- The final hair color will show after drying.
- If you have dye stains on your skin, you can wipe them off with a remover.
Ryabina Intense
Collection of 11 light shades of cream paints from Acme Color in 11 light shades
Persistent cream hair dye “Ryabina Intense” is:
- color lightening up to 5 tones (special blondes 1000, 1001, 1002)
- bright shades of cold and warm blond without unnecessary colors
- uniform hair coloring along the length and at the roots
- intense hair nutrition
- easy use and care
Active ingredients
- provides intense pigment saturation when staining
- penetrates deep into the hair and securely fixed in them
- gives color fastness and protects against color fading
- neutralizes the effect of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, while not affecting the coloring ability of the pigment
- enhances hair care during coloring, envelops them along the entire length, and creates natural protection
nourishes and protects the hair shaft from damage
- special care mask reduces the pH level after the coloring procedure
- restore the hair structure after lightening, make them soft, and smooth, and shiny
fix the dye inside the hair
A set of resistant cream-paint “Ryabina Intense (Intense)” contains:
- Cream paint 2 packs of 25 ml
- Cream-oxidizer 2 bags of 25 ml
- Hair mask 2 packs of 15 ml
- Fluid with linseed oil
- Gloves 1 pair
How to use paint safely?
- Be sure to test for allergies 48 hours before coloring.
- Mix in a non-metal container the required amount for your hair length, cream paint, and cream oxidizer.
- Add fluid with natural flax oil to the mixture right before applying it to the hair.
- Put on gloves, and start carefully applying the paint from the roots of the hair, gradually moving along the length to the tips.
- After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water until it becomes clear.
- Apply a conditioning mask to damp hair. Wash off with warm water after 5 minutes.
The final color of the hair will appear after drying.
Інноваційна формула крем-фарби «MALVA HAIR COLOR» містить комплекс натуральних компонентів, який забезпечує ІНТЕНСИВНЕ ЗВОЛОЖЕННЯ волосся в момент фарбування, ЖИВЛЕННЯ та ДОГЛЯД після нього.
У палітрі крем-фарби MALVA – 18 кольорів.
- Максимальни відсоток зафарбовування сивини*
- Глибоке термальне відновлення та догляд за волоссям
- Підсилює натуральний колір волосс.
- Розкішний, стійкий колір
- Сяючий блиск
- Дозволяє вашому унікальному стилю змінюватися в залежності від настрою та сезонів
- ЕКСТРАКТ КВІТОК МАЛЬВИ, що входить до складу крем-фарби «MALVA»:
- Інтенсивно зволожує
- Запобігає втраті вологи в процесі фарбування
- Забезпечує стійкість і насиченість кольору
- Створює на волоссі невидиму дихаючу плівку, яка захищає волосся від вимивання кольорових пігментів.
- Забезпечує м’якість і шовковистість волоссю, надає їм сліпучий сяючий блиск.